
"Not all answers are found in a prescription pad...    

it's elementary Dr. Watson!"

Speak to Dr. Watson Today


Here you will find important information not often known or acknowledged within the mental health community. Attached is Dr. Watson's ongoing detailed summary of research related to this topic.   If you read down below, you will have additional information about the causes of schizophrenia psychosis and treatments that are effective (other than psychotropic medications.)  

Click Here for the Most Up to Date Summary of Research by Dr. Watson!

 This will take you to a Google file that is Dr. Watson's Work in Progress. 

Information contained herein is designed to support, not replace, the therapeutic relationship between doctor and patient. All information is kept in strict confidence, and no written or verbal information is given out to any party without explicit written permission by our clients and patients.  Dr. Watson works under the Corporation: Associated Psychological Health Services, as a private corporation, and is insured personally for his work.  He has no clinical financial ties or funding resources besides client income.

PLEASE NOTE: Starting, adjusting, tapering, and stopping psychiatric medications can be very dangerous and even life-threatening.  You should not stop taking medication without medical supervision.  Talk to your doctor about all information you may have about your mental and physical health before adjusting any medications you may be taking.